Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Detour For Carnevale

2-09 Italy 354 At this time of year in Italy, you can’t turn the corner in any town or city without some sign of the pre-Lenten period called Carnevale – from seasonal treats in bakeries (chiacchiere, tortelli, krapfen, etc.), to heaps of confetti (coriandoli) tossed in the streets, to local parades with people in costumes and masks (maschere).

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But nobody does Carnevale like Venice. In the four or five days before Ash Wednesday, the narrow alleys and canals are teeming with people from all over the world who come to party, to strut in outlandish costumes, and to gawk. Count me among the latter group (although I did wear a mask the first time I was there for Carnevale).  Yes, it’s crowded, but you’ve got to go at least once in your life to experience to elaborate costumes, the parades, the concerts, the food, the fireworks – the just plain FUN feeling that permeates the city at this time. After all, tradition dictates that when Ash Wednesday starts, the carefree, raucous behavior must come to a halt for the 40 days of solemnity and reflection before Easter.  Carpe Diem!

If you’re looking for a recipe for those crispy chiacchiere, click here for a post a wrote I last year featuring a recipe for the sweet fried dough so popular this time of year, courtesy of my friend Titty.

The rest of the post is sheer eye candy from photos I took in Venice last year at Carnevale. 

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  1. wow!! that looks like so much fun!

  2. Ciao Linda buon carnevale, anche nel mio paese si festeggia il carnevale, ma in piccolo, non come a Venezia. Un abbraccio Daniela.

  3. Wow, Linda, these are fabulous photos ... it so makes me want to be there. I guess I'll have to settle for some of that fried dough, eh?

  4. Beautiful photo's Linda, Eye candy for sure! I checked out your recipe and loved the photo with you and your friends in masks, so fun. Venice is magical anyway, how much more so at Carnevale!

  5. What a fabulous time you must have had! I have only been in Germany for Fasching (Karneval, Carnevale). Venice looks likes an incredible experience this time of year!Gorgeous pictures!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Wow, your photos are fantastic, Linda. I can't even imagine such a scene with so many elaborate and colorful costumes. Thanks for the glimpse of an amazing event.

  7. What beautiful pictures! I've never been to Venice for Carnivale but its been on my wish list forever! Now seeing these beautiful costumes and delicious looking pastries makes me want to go even more!

  8. These are awesome pictures. thanks so much for sharing!!

  9. I have a dream - Venice during Carnevale. for right now, I shall smile at the photos and think of the whirlwind you experienced! I can always use an excuse to fry up some dough...

  10. What absolutely fantastic pictures. I felt like I was there. Thanks so much for sharing these with us. Hope all is well.Blessings...Mary

  11. great photos Linda... the costumes are amazing with such detail. Carnevale in Venize is a must see on my list.

  12. This is the trip of my dreams Linda. You even got a shot of a Plague Doctor mask. Someday, I am going to go!


  13. Fabulous photos! What a "dream come true" it must hae been to be in Venice for Carnivale!

  14. Venice's version is like the Las Vegas of italian carnevale! I attended it the first year that I moved here...and still have my velvet cape to prove it!

    And on the chiacchiere, I believe I started seeing those in the stores around mid-January (possibly even earlier, in fact probably right after Epifania!). As far as I'm concerned, carnevale begins as soon as you see the fried sweets on the shelves. Boo to the naysayers who tell me otherwise (c'è sempre un guastafeste fra noi) ;-)

  15. What a lovely carnavale!!

    Beautiful pictures too! I bet it was such fun!

  16. The costumes and such look amazing...I would want to be led STRAIGHT to the food if I were there - lol.

  17. Il Carnevale è una bella festa, peccato duri poco! Bel post!
